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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Posted by Unknown Posted on 1:42 PM | No comments

A Link Between Fertility and Oral Health

Unless you’re an OB-Gyne or a dentist yourself, you probably wouldn’t be able to identify the link between caring for your oral health and your fertility rate. Nonetheless, studies have shown that there seems to be a definitive link for both. Studies claim that women who want to become pregnant should keep up with optimum dental hygiene practices. Tests on approximately 3,400 pregnant women found that those with gum disease took an average of two months longer to conceive than those without periodontal problems. A further look into this...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Visiting a dentist can help prevent all of these to happen. You and your partner should have your mouth checked for possible gum disease. Also, when you inform the dentist that you are trying to conceive, they can avoid prescribing medicine that could possibly affect your fertility. A trusted Ormond Beach dentist can also give you advice on how to keep your mouth healthy, whether before, during, and after pregnancy. If you and your partner are having trouble building a family, have a dentist check on your teeth. A good oral health not only improves...

Monday, September 1, 2014

Posted by Unknown Posted on 7:24 AM | No comments

Traits to Look for in a Cosmetic Dentist

Dental treatment goes beyond standard teeth maintenance. New discoveries have led to the creation of new treatments, particularly in the field of cosmetic dentistry. However, finding the right cosmetic dentist in Daytona Beach can prove to be tricky. Each one specializes in different services and choices can be overwhelming, which is why it’s important to do your researc...

Friday, August 1, 2014

"Besides stopping tooth decay, a dental crown may also be used to cap a broken or discolored tooth. The crown can protect the broken tooth from factors that can trigger sensitivity, and conceal stains and discolorations. Most porcelain crowns may be colored to match the rest of the teeth while hiding imperfections. Dental crowns can be installed painlessly with the right anesthetics. However, those with more serious dental fears might want to go...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Posted by Unknown Posted on 11:24 AM | No comments

Seek Help from a Dentist on Denture Maintenance

Dentures are among the usual options a dentist will recommend to his patients to replace missing teeth. While there are newer methods that have gained popularity in this field, such as dental implants, dentures remain one of the most effective and least expensive teeth replacements. Dentures have both cosmetic and functional uses. They help users smile confidently again with a proper set of teeth, while allowing them to properly chew food, thus improving their oral digestion. The use of dentures has been around for a very long time but have...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Regular visits to your dentist ensures that everything is fine with your teeth and gums. To get the most out of your checkups with a dentist in Daytona Beach, such as with Dr. Anny B. Vera, take time to find one in your locality with whom you can feel comfortable. A dentist that only seems to aggravate your nerves with every visit will only make things more stressful for you.Dentists typically schedule a regular checkup every six months; however, special cases can be scheduled according to need. An interval of every three months is offered to those...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Posted by Unknown Posted on 8:09 AM | No comments

What is a Cone Beam Scan?

Also known as dental cone beam computed tomography, cone beam scans are smaller versions of CT scans used exclusively in dentistry. A cone beam scanner is a special type of x-ray machine that can provide a clear and total view of the patient’s face, mouth, and jaws. Unlike the traditional CT scan used in virtually every hospital nowadays, cone beam scanning captures slices of the face and both jaws in just one quick scan rather than taking separate scans one layer at a time. Thanks to this, there’s no overlap of slices and an extremely detailed...